Dating and Relationships

5 Tips For Finding The One This Summer

finding the one
By Sue De Santo

Summer is upon us! It’s a time for pools, barbecues, vacations, and adventure. Typically in the summer months, things tend to slow down a bit and we find ourselves with more time on our hands. That’s why the summer is the perfect time to start dating and focusing on finding the one.

Having time to ourselves to enjoy the summer months can be both a blessing and a curse. With more free time on our hands, we often tend to notice the feelings and emotions we normally push aside. Feelings of loneliness or discomfort may arise when we realize we haven’t been focusing time or energy towards finding love or unleashing our inner fun and playfulness.

We typically head into the summer feeling one of two ways. One, we are looking at things from the “glass half full” perspective and are excited to start dating and are anticipating at least one or two hot dates. Or two, our glass is “half empty” and we’re sad about not having a special someone and are dreading the summer.

The truth is, you’re most likely a combination of both. Whichever side is more dominant in you, be sure to see both sides of the situation. Embrace the fact that summer is a time for endless possibilities and new beginnings.

Many of my clients believe another summer will come and go and they will stay in the same place – alone and feeling like there is nothing they can do about it. We get stuck in a rut and think there is no way to change our relationship status. So, we go about our summer and things stay the same.



The key to finding love this summer – or any time for that matter – is to manage expectations. Unrealistic expectations will only create more problems. I typically see two very different scenarios when it comes to my clients. On one hand, I have clients who can never seem to find a relationship because the men never measure up to their expectations. They only see the negative qualities and have trouble finding the positive qualities in their dates. On the other hand, I have clients who jump into dating and by the third date are already traveling together and making long-term commitments. The problem with that is that they haven’t taken the time to really get to know the person they are dating. As you can see, there are unrealistic expectations on both ends of the spectrum.

Whether you’re excited to date or are filled with anxiety and dread, it’s important to go into this summer with an open mind and heart. If you’re looking to find “the one,” check out my tips below to help motivate you to date this summer.

Tips for Finding “The One”


1. You probably will not recognize your soulmate right away.

When you meet “the one” you will not experience a rush of hormones, butterflies, or the typical fanfare depicted in novels. You will only know him or her by a very gentle tug on the heart. Instead of looking for an instant attraction or “spark,” look for that gentle feeling inside and start by building a friendship without any expectations for something more. If they are really your soulmate, that will become obvious with time.

2.  Relationships rarely, if ever, are as they appear in romantic movies and books.

Real people fall into real love slowly. Instead of a “happily ever after”they live “fully ever after” and have a rich, full, and healthy life together. Things take time, work, and effort. No relationship is as it appears on the big screen, so be sure to take a realistic approach as you are dating and meeting new people.



3.  It takes years to really get to know someone.

As you know, being human means we are complex beings. People have many layers and sides to them and it can take a while – years even – to fully get to know someone. Give yourself time to be sure you are really learning all there is to know about your partner.

4.  A relationship is a living being that needs love, care, and space.

People tend to either ignore or smother in relationships. Neither of these are great conditions for a thriving relationship. Healthy relationships need time, attention, and consistency.

5. Great relationships are completely worth the effort.

There is nothing like being in a supportive and loving relationship. A good, positive relationship is completely worth the effort. When you find the right one, you will be understood on a deep level – and they will love you despite all of your flaws or eccentricities. This is one of the best feelings in the world.

So, now that you have some things to keep in mind as you approach the dating scene this summer, it’s time to start going on dates! If you think you may need some more help and coaching, my 3-month relationship coaching program might be the right fit for you. Contact me today to schedule a free consultation call.

Sue De Santo is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been a therapist in private practice for over 20 years. A graduate Loyola University with a Masters Degree in Social Work, Sue is also holds a certification in Relationship Coaching from the Relationship Coaching Institute. Sue has extensive experience in women’s issues, anxiety and depression, substance abuse, grief counseling, relationship issues, divorce recovery and couples counseling. This blog post was originally at:

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