For this week’s Love Essentially, I got to interview Jenny Bicks, who is the Executive Producer and showrunner for the HBO show divorce. It was so much fun to talk to Jenny, as she was a writer and EP, and actually won an Emmy for my all-time favorite, “Sex and The City!”
“Divorce ” Returns, Toeing The Line Between Darkness And Light by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Media Group
I had mixed emotions last year when I heard Sarah Jessica Parker was starring in a new HBO show called “Divorce.”
On one hand, it was tough to imagine Parker playing any role other than Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and The City.” I would love to imagine that Carrie and Big are still blissfully married, 14 years after the wildly successful comedy about four best friends living and dating in New York City ended. But at the same time, Parker is such a gifted and likable actor, I’d watch any show with her in it.
Season one of “Divorce” aired in the fall of 2016, and not only did viewers accept Parker as Frances DuFresne, a character who is completely unlike Bradshaw, but the show got picked up for a second season, which starts this Sunday. And, with the new season comes the show’s new showrunner and executive producer, Jenny Bicks, who just happens to have been a writer, executive producer and Emmy-winner for “Sex and The City.”
I spent some time talking with Bicks to learn more about “Divorce,” and what we can expect in season two. (Click here to read the rest of the article, published in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press editions.)
Like this article? Check out my blog, “Is Divorced Girl Smiling A Real Life Sex And The City?”