A Look Back At 2015: My 12 Most Popular Divorce Blog Posts


December 31st, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

My 12 most popular divorce blog posts of 2015! How was your 2015? Was this the year your life completely spun out of control because your spouse told you he/she wanted a divorce? Or, perhaps this was a year of healing for you, spending 2015 as a s...

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eBook Designed to Help the Stay at Home Mother During Divorce


December 27th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Several years ago when I was a stay at home mother getting divorced, I didn't know one divorced person. I felt very alone, and I wish I'd have had a guide book to help me navigate the process and tell me what to expect. Similar to the bestselling...

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Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Spouse


December 18th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I bet most people would say holiday shopping for their kids is really easy. Why? Because all year long, our sweet little children are telling us about the latest toys, electronics and other cool gadgets they want. But holiday shopping for your spous...

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What Does Divorce Look Like? Here’s The Real Face Of Divorce


December 8th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

What does divorce look like? The idea to write this article stemmed from episode one of season two of "Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce," . A really good scene in the episode involves its main character, Abby McCarthy (a divorced writer…hmmm sounds fa...

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Coping With A Breakup Is Never Easy-Especially If It happens This Way!


December 4th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Coping with a breakup can be extremely difficult and depressing, your heart feeling like it just got stomped on. But the end of a relationship can be even worse if the person who broke up with you does it in a way that's less than considerate. Be...

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