New Book Helps Women Cope With Cheating Spouse


December 2nd, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

If Amy Koko's new book, "There's Been a Change of Plans" is even remotely like the blog post she wrote below, I cannot wait to dive into it! Amy's pain and anguish in coping with her cheating spouse is so blatant, the story immensely captivating as h...

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Guys Offer Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs in Dating


November 23rd, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Dating, especially dating after divorce can feel like you're in unfamiliar territory. It's hard to recall what's going on in the minds of the men you are now going on dates with. But honestly, dating and men probably haven't changed much since the la...

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Bringing Your New Love Home for Thanksgiving


November 21st, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

In my Love Essentially column, published yesterday in Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press, I offer dating advice for those bringing home a new love to meet the family at Thanksgiving. My best wishes to all of my readers for a safe, happy holiday!! &...

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Relationship Advice for Military Couples


November 13th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

In honor of Veterans Day, this weeks Love Essentially is dedicated to offering relationship advice for military couples. Debbie Maraia, a military spouse offers tips on how to cope with deployment. How To Love A Soldier  by Jackie Pilossoph Re...

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The Affair Paints Realistic Picture of Divorce


November 10th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I have to admit I wasn't a huge fan of season one of Showtime's The Affair. While I loved the concept—a happy family man and father of four falls for a younger, sexy and married woman, has an affair with her and blows up his marriage, I found the t...

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