What Are Divorced Men Thinking? Playwright Tells You Through His Show


November 6th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I have dated and become friends with many divorced men over the years, and I think I have a pretty good idea of some characteristics that a lot of them have.  Now, a new play is taking viewers inside the minds of divorced men. "Boys in the Bas...

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Pros and Cons of Divorce: It’s Not What You’ve Lost, It’s What You’ll Gain


October 24th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

It's easy to look at divorce as a really, really sad, horrible loss, and I agree that it is. But believe it or not, there are some good things that come with getting divorced. There are pros and cons of divorce. What many men and women (especially...

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Relationship Closure: Do We Need It or Is It Better To Let Things Go?


October 16th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Are you looking for relationship closure after your divorce? Let me back up. The aftermath of every breakup or divorce is unique. Some couples are able to remain good friends, others end up cordial but distant, and then there are some who walk away b...

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Relationship Deal Breakers: What are YOURS?


October 8th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

What is a relationship deal breaker? Relationship deal breakers are things that someone isn't willing to tolerate in the relationship; something that they can't live with, something that they don't want to live with, and/or something that makes it fe...

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A Huge Factor in Moving On After Divorce


September 29th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

When two people get divorced, both hopefully spend some time reflecting on the mistakes they made, which I believe is really healthy in the healing process, and crucial in moving on after divorce.  I'll even go so far as to say that people who don't...

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