Women Dating Over 40: What’s Up With the Bad Body Image?


June 23rd, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

This is a TRUE story that I think will help countless single or divorced women dating over 40. It has to do with getting older, body image, self-love, self-esteem, and my girlfriend who needs a good kick in the ass! Last week, she and I got invite...

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Going From Casual Dating to Serious Relationship-Can You Handle It?


June 21st, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Going from casual dating to a serious relationship is a huge transition. It might seem scary or uncomfortable, which is understandable. But I will say, it can also have so many wonderful benefits! I received this email from a reader: Jackie, I ...

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Girl Talk At The Juice Bar: Divorce, Dating, I love You and 50??!!


June 19th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

As I was walking out the door yesterday morning, heading to the gym, I got a text from a girlfriend that read, “Whatcha doing? Meet for coffee?” I loved it. No planning, scheduling, cancelling and rescheduling, all I had to do was shift a few thi...

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Divorce and Exercise: The Perfect Marriage


June 11th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

  Divorce and exercise should always be used in the same sentence, as I believe that some form of working out--whether it's weights, intense cardio, balance and core work, or even just brisk walking-helps men and women in coping with di...

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Chris Harrison Is Divorced? What? Who Knew?


June 6th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I’ll never forget how excited I was to watch the final episode of the first season of The Bachelor. Would Alex Michael give the rose and propose to Amanda or Trista? I remember at the time, my now 13 year-old son was a baby, and we rushed to get hi...

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