My Husband Left Me: I Don’t Know How I’ll Ever Recover


May 10th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Jackie, I promised to love, honor and cherish him forever & I didn’t break a promise. I would do anything for my life to rewind 4 months & for this to not be happening. I don’t understand nor can I believe that this is my life now; that m...

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Woman Having an Affair says: “We Get Each Other in Every Way”


May 8th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I have been married one year, together eight. We have a child and a business together. Families are completely intertwined. I’m having an affair with a coworker who makes me actually think true love exists. We seem to completely get each other in e...

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Love And Jewelry: The Rules


May 6th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Now why would I post an article on Divorced Girl Smiling to help men pick out jewelry for their significant others? To upset and depress single or divorced women? No way! It's only a matter of time till some guy is jewelry shopping for you!  M...

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Men and Their Mommies: His Relationship With His Mom Affects Yours


April 30th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

I am a mom who has a son. I also have a brother, and an ex-mother-in-law, and I have to say, the mother-son relationship is very interesting to me. I truly believe that a man's relationship with his mom has a huge impact on his romantic relations...

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A Horrific Act in Marriage Can Be A Gift In Getting Over A Divorce


April 25th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Getting over a divorce isn't easy, and it takes time. But believe it or not, sometimes something horrific happens in the marriage, and thinking about it, can actually help you get over the divorce quicker. This is a story I heard from a friend of min...

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