The Reason Why Women Cheat on Their Husbands


March 4th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

This is an article I wrote that was published in Huffington Post yesterday. It addresses the reason "Why women cheat on their husbands." The Real Reasons Women Cheat  by Jackie Pilossoph I'll never forget the day I had lunch with a friend of m...

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Divorce Advice: Choosing Selflessness Over Bitterness


February 23rd, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Wait till you read the comment below that Divorced Girl Smiling received from a divorced woman. I want to use her story to offer what I think is valuable divorce advice. I’m reading all your stories and some of have very valid points but some do...

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Undergoing Fertility Treatments? Tips For Better Sex


February 17th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Couples who are going through fertility treatments often end up with problems in the bedroom. I address this in my "Love Essentially" column this week, published in Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press.  Infertility Treatment Can Take the Sizzle Out...

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Woman Thinking About Separating Joins Online Dating Site


February 15th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

Wait till you read this email from a woman thinking about separating. Together for 11 years, married for 10, 6 year old child. My husband’s excuse for not being a good husband or partner is that his father didn’t treat his mom nice. And nobody...

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Divorced Girl Smiling Turns 2! Top 10 Favorite Posts


February 13th, 2015 . Jackie Pilossoph

It is hard to believe that it’s been two years since I launched Divorced Girl Smiling. An idea that began on the balcony of my parent’s Florida home, when my then 86 year-old dad said, “You should write about divorce,” my little divorce blog ...

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