Relationship Advice: Stepchildren Behaving Badly!


November 30th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Wait till you read this comment I received from this woman whose boyfriend’s kids (young adults) sound like nightmares! I have some much needed relationship advice for her. My boyfriend’s kids are 18, 20, 22, and 24. The 3 younger ADULTS live ...

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Relationship Advice For The Holidays: Avoiding In-Law Drama


November 28th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In my "Love Essentially" column, published yesterday in Sun-Times Media local papers,I give relationship advice for the holidays that involves minimizing in-law drama. Not only is this something you need to read if you feel you are constantly on th...

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Life after Divorce for Men and Women: A Night Out


November 24th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

It's hard to know what life after divorce for men and women looks like until you experience it. You might be reading this and either thinking about divorce or going through one, and you have no idea what life is going to be like. This is a story tha...

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‘My Husband Has No Interest In Me Sexually.’ Should She Get Divorced?


November 22nd, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: I have been married 10 years and I want a divorce. I love my husband so much it hurts to have to tell him I am leaving. We have been fighting for 4 years now, since my dad died, and even more so for the last year, since my mom died. Ma...

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Divorce Advice for “He Found a Happily Ever After”


November 18th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Below is an email from a woman whose husband left her, along with my divorce advice. Married 18 years and I always thought we were so happy. People said they wanted a relationship like ours. Then he dropped the bomb! Now a year later the divorce i...

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