Having Chest Pain After a Breakup? One Woman says “It’s Hard To Breathe”


October 19th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

It’s kind of ironic. You get divorced and you don’t think anything can be worse. Until…the heartbreak of your next relationship. The pain you are feeling can seriously feel physical. I have had chest pain after a breakup. And read this woman’...

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Relationship Advice: 15 Ways to Be Sweet that Don’t Cost Anything!


October 17th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In my "Love Essentially" column, published yesterday in Sun-Times Media local, I offer relationship advice as it pertains the upcoming "Sweetest Day" (which is tomorrow.) Not particularly a fan of Sweetest Day, here are some really "sweet" things...

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Divorce Advice for a Young Person With No Kids


October 12th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Girl Smiling received this e-mail from a young woman seeking divorce advice. It made me realize how little I write about divorce with no kids involved (with the exception of second marriages that end in divorce with no kids.) But what I want...

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Relationship Advice: Common Interests Lead to Happy Couples


October 10th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In this week's "Love Essentially," published yesterday in Sun-Times Media local, I give relationship advice that has to do with the importance of a couple's commonalities.  The column starts with a letter I received: Dear Jackie, I love playing ...

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How Cancer Affects Relationships: Commitment, Romance, Sex and True Love


October 3rd, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In this week's Love Essentially, published yesterday in Sun-Times Media Local, I write about how cancer affects relationships, touching on everything from commitment, romance, sex and true love. The Impact of Cancer on Commitment, Romance, Sex &am...

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