Why Rushing Into Relationships Might be a Bad Idea


July 31st, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In my Love Essentially column that came out today in Sun-Times Media Local, I talk about reasons why men and women rush into relationships, and why rushing into relationships isn't always wise. What baffles my mind, even more than single people rus...

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Divorce and Binge Eating: I Get It


July 22nd, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorce and binge eating is something I am personally familiar with. Years ago, when I was getting divorced, I can remember being so stressed (a combination of anxiety, anger, fear, sadness, hopelessness) that at times I used food to cope. More than ...

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Man Thinking About Separation: Should I Stay or Should I Go?


July 20th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Here is an email from a man thinking about separation from his wife. I truly feel for him because it really is a tormenting decision to have to make. Jackie,  I'm thinking about separation. A few months ago I found out my wife was cheating on ...

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We’re Into Each Other! So Why is His Profile Still on Dating Websites?


July 10th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

In my "Love Essentially" column published today in the Sun-Times Media local publications, I respond to a reader's e-mail regarding a guy she met on one of the dating websites, who she really likes. There's one red flag: his profile is still acti...

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Dealing With the Pain of Divorce: Sometimes You Just Need to be Crazy


July 5th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

A reader sent me the following e-mail that I can’t resist sharing because it sparks a discussion about dealing with the pain of divorce, and how that pain, which can be gut-wrenching at times, can cause us to act crazy. The reader refers to the ...

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