Relationship advice: Why You Might be Running from Relationships


May 29th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

There is no law that says you have to be in a relationship, but in my opinion, it’s human nature to want to find love and monogamy. Here's some relationship advice you can take or leave, but if you haven't been in a relationship for awhile, you mig...

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How Do You Know When to Say I Love You?


May 22nd, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Those three little words that we all long to hear from the man or woman we adore can mean the world, but if said at an inopportune time or under the wrong circumstances, “I love you” can be a dreaded statement that might cause confusion, embarras...

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Divorce Advice for Grandparents. Really? Yep.


May 12th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Girl Smiling is meant to give divorce advice to men and women who are either thinking of getting divorced, going through a divorce, or who are already divorced. But my own situation has made me realize that there is another group of people w...

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Things Divorced Parents Should Never Do or Say


May 10th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

When it comes to divorce and children, Dr. Cassandra Friedman, Ph.D, LCPC, CADC has seen and heard her share of stories. Friedman has been an adolescent, adult and family therapist for 30 years, whose patients include dozens of children with divorced...

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Cheating Spouse: Cold-hearted or Nice Guy who Just Wants Love?


May 8th, 2014 . Jackie Pilossoph

This is a comment that Divorced Girl Smiling received from a cheating spouse, along with my comments and advice. I have been married 17 years to my wife and we have 3 great kids. I’ve been unhappy for a long time. It’s one of those situations ...

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