The 4 Worst Ways to Start the Divorce Process


December 19th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

People who haven't gone through a divorce usually don't understand the divorce process and all the options that are available when it comes to getting divorced.Before I got separated, I didn't know what collaborative divorce or mediation or litigatio...

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Having Sex after Divorce: Getting Naked Can be Really Scary!


December 13th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

Having sex after divorce is a scary thought for a lot of people. Think about it. You have slept in the same bed with the same man for what? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? Now you are separated or divorced. Inevitably, you are going to start dating, an...

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Do You Have Post Divorce Commitment Phobia?


December 10th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

I bet if you asked all the divorced people on earth what they want as far as their romantic life moving forward, I bet you’d get a different answer from each and every one. It’s a little like right and left wing politics. There are those on one e...

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Just released today: Divorced Girl Smiling, the Novel


December 5th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

I am proud to announce the release of my new divorce novel, DIVORCED GIRL SMILING, now available in paperback and Kindle on! Much like this blog, DIVORCED GIRL SMILING is funny, entertaining, heartfelt and inspirational. It's a root for ...

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Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore Divorce Finalized: What Went Wrong?


November 30th, 2013 . Jackie Pilossoph

They were the couple who inspired every single woman who thought she was too old to be sexy and attractive to younger men. They made it acceptable for an older woman and a younger man to fall madly in love. And pictures of them always made us happy a...

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