Should I Go to My High School Reunion? I’m Divorced and Embarrassed


August 12th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I got divorced at 41 years-old, along with so many other emotions was this feeling of being lost. I really didn’t know who I was anymore, or who I supposed to be. It was confusing and sad, and it made me feel alone. But as the weeks and months...

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The Newly Separated Get Unexpected Gifts


August 7th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I was newly separated, a few people sent me cards, which I appreciated, and a couple people actually got me gifts! I remember laughing while opening up a little lipstick pouch given to me by a girlfriend, and thinking, 'She's giving me a lipstic...

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“The Divorce is Driving Me Crazy!” 5 Things That Will Drive You Nuts


July 30th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Ever feel like your divorce is driving you crazy? Anyone who has ever gone through a divorce has at one point or another, (probably more than once, maybe ongoing) felt that feeling of madness,frustration, and constant disappointment by the way their ...

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Is the Silent Treatment Abuse? We Have Answers and More


July 27th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Is the silent treatment abuse? To answer this question and more questions about the silent treatment in a relationship, I interviewed Jennifer Solomon, a Marriage and Family Therapist with Affiliates in Counseling. Here is my Q & A with Jennifer!...

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Respect in a Relationship: It’s Everything!


July 24th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

What does it take to be happy in a romantic relationship? Although every couple is unique, I think some of the biggies are: Friendship, trust, thoughtfulness, and attraction. But there’s one thing that is perhaps the most needed, and it’s the thi...

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