Ex Spouse Etiquette: DON’T say these 10 Things!


July 2nd, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Life is so much easier when you're getting along with your ex, isn't it?  No blow-out arguments, no dirty looks, no cruel emails or texts between the two of you, and most importantly the kids can feel the peace, which makes their lives easier. Getti...

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7 Tips On How To Get Through a Divorce Emotionally


June 29th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

I'd like to share some tips on how to get through a divorce emotionally. Divorce truly is an emotional roller coaster. Ups and downs. One day you feel amazing...confident and great about the future, and then something happens and you feel crushed and...

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How To Deal With An Angry Ex Husband Sending Mean Texts


June 25th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Couples often show their worst selves during a divorce, and that includes mean and angry text messages and/or emails. It's not easy trying to figure out how to deal with an angry ex husband sending mean messages, especially when you're not expecting ...

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I Feel Broken: Dumped, Angry And In Pain


June 21st, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

I’ve been corresponding with a reader who has been divorced for several years, and was recently in a relationship for well over a year, which she thought was happy, healthy, and loving. Until her boyfriend broke up with her via text, causing her to...

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Fear of Commitment or Wrong Guy?


June 19th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Jackie, I need some relationship advice. My friend says I have a fear of commitment because I break up with my boyfriend every time he talks about moving in together or marriage. Do you think she is right? It is difficult to answer this question w...

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