A Checklist For Divorced Moms On Father’s Day


June 16th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are only a few guarantees when it comes to most divorce cases. Two of them include: Mom gets the kids on Mother’s Day and Dad gets them on Father’s Day. I’d have to bet it’s written that way in almost every divorce decree, not including...

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Falling in Love With Someone Else When You’re Married


June 14th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Is falling in love with someone else when you're married possible? What I mean is, I've heard many people say that they fell in love with someone else while married, and I just don't know if they really fell in love, or if they were just unhappy in t...

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How to Tell If a Single Mom Likes You: 16 Signs


June 10th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

A friend of mine called me to ask me some questions about a single mom he was dating. He wanted to know what to expect, what she was thinking, and how to tell if a single mom likes you. I gave him a little bit of insight, and then thought I'd shar...

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After 3 Years I Can’t Live Without Him Still


June 5th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

I’m not sure there is a woman on earth who hasn’t said or felt these five words: I can’t live without him. The words are usually spoken or thought during or after a breakup, a divorce, or a death.   It’s unbelievably heartbreaking ...

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5 Reasons Sex on a First Date is a Bad Idea


June 2nd, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

If you ask any woman and she’ll probably tell you that since she was a teenager, she's always been told not to have sex on a first date. If you ask her why, she’ll most likely say it’s because her mother, or aunt or sister or friend told her th...

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