Going Through A Divorce? A Word That Will Keep You Out of The Garbage Chute


April 3rd, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

"Daddy, I want it now!" whined Veruca Salt throughout the 1971 classic film, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. I often wondered why Salt couldn't wait a day and just ask her dad to give Mr. Wonka a call to talk about the golden goose. If she'd...

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Dating After Divorce: Advice, Tips, and Why This Is An Exciting Time!


March 30th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Dating after divorce is something many people dread. In fact, a lot of couples decide to stay together (not get divorced) because neither wants to start dating again. I mean, isn’t that why you got married in the first place? Because you enjoyed mo...

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Why He Can’t Stand Giving You That Child Support Check Every Month


March 28th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Can men and women be friends after a divorce? I think so. Not immediately, but over time, you might be surprised. But there's one thing I think that keeps men and women at odds for a long, long time. It's a source of resentment that breeds perpetual ...

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20 Lies We Tell Ourselves in Dating after Divorce


March 23rd, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Let’s be honest. Dating after divorce isn't easy. It's sort of like a roller coaster. Great dates make us giddy and hopeful and inspired, but a string of bad dates can cause frustration, along with feelings of hopelessness and that awful question, ...

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Going through a divorce? Don’t Do Anything Stupid!


March 17th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

People going through a divorce do stupid things. It’s not a cut down and I’m not trying to be hurtful, it’s just reality. Trust me, when I was newly separated, I did more stupid things than anyone I know. Why the stupid things? Because going...

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