I Am Working On Myself: The Best Thing a Divorced Person Can Say!


March 15th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

I seriously want to hug the woman who sent me the e-mail below! Like almost every newly separated person, she is fearful of the unknown, sad, in a way, and lonely. But, she ends her e-mail with, “I am working on myself." Wow. This is the best thing...

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Being Friends With Your Ex: How Friendly Is Too Friendly?


March 13th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

At the beginning of a breakup and through a divorce, it’s very hard to imagine being friends with your ex. In fact, the relationship usually gets a lot worse (which is unimaginable) when two people go from being in a bad marriage and living togethe...

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A Question That Baffles Me When A Spouse Leaves The Marital Home


March 11th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Every divorce situation is unique. From growing apart to cheating to addiction to finances to falling in love with someone else to when a spouse leaves the marital home, there are countless reasons couples split up. What is usually the same in every ...

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Advice for Woman Dating a Divorced Man in His Forties


March 9th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Dating a divorced man in his forties can be really, really tricky. Every divorced guy has his own unique story, and what he is going to be like in a relationship is based on that story, with countless factors that include: who wanted his divorce, his...

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How Do You Get Over an Ex You Still Love?


March 5th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

There's no question that all breakups are painful, and awful and difficult. But after the initial devastation, anger, sadness and grieving, you can hopefully move on. Sadly, though, sometimes people just can't. They get stuck in the sadness and regre...

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