My Ex Moved On Immediately: 3 Seconds After We Got Separated In Fact


January 12th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are many heartbreaks that happen during a divorce. The first heartbreak occurs during that gut-wrenching moment you know you are getting divorced: either you both realize the best option for you as a couple is to split, or your ex blindsides yo...

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Divorce Advice: 9 Things For Rock Bottom


January 10th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorce is a process. It's a roller coaster ride. But during the ride, I think there's a point when people feel like they've hit rock bottom. This article addresses rock bottom, and some divorce advice if/when you feel you are there. Rock bottom c...

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My Husband Left Me For Another Woman. Guess What? He’s Not Blissful


January 4th, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

Several years ago, one of my best girlfriends called me. Through tears, she said, "My husband left me for another woman." It was horrible. I could not have felt worse for her. She had been happily married (or so she thought) for over two decades, ...

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How To Survive Divorce: 15 Tips To Getting Through It


January 1st, 2023 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a recently separated reader:  I’m going through a divorce after 21 years of marriage and want to know how to survive divorce. Will I survive? I felt strong until we sold our house and I actually moved out. I’m sick, sad, and very depressed....

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Advice For Woman Divorcing An Alcoholic


December 26th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

 I remember hearing awhile back that alcohol addiction was the number one cause of divorce. I don't know if that's true, but if it is, I wouldn't be surprised. Divorcing an alcoholic (or deciding to stay) is not an easy choice. There can be guilt in...

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