What Does a 57-Year-Old Woman Look Like? Moi.


August 30th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

What does a 57-year-old woman look like? She looks like moi. Me. How do I know? Because I am turning 57 this weekend, and because over the past two weeks my boyfriend has nicknamed me Heinz 57. You know, the steak sauce that’s been around since the...

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Divorce Advice for Women: 10 Things To Always Carry In Your Purse


August 27th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

I love purses. I just do. I always have. I love shopping for purses, I love having different purses to match different outfits, and I love the fact that purses don't come in sizes and your purse can make your outfit, no matter how bloated you feel on...

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Dating a Widower? Hear What Women Have To Say About It


August 15th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

I personally have never dated a widower, but I know a lot of men and women who have. From what they tell me, dating a widower isn't easy. Then again, neither is dating someone who is divorced. What are the differences? What are the challenges of dat...

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How to Tell Your Kids About the Divorce: 17 Things to Say


August 13th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Thinking about how to tell your kids about the divorce? That is perhaps the most heartbreaking and difficult aspect of a divorce. As parents, we are all so protective of our children, both physically and emotionally, and the last thing a parent wants...

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What Makes A Man Want To Get Married? These 9 Things


August 10th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

What makes a man want to get married? In my decade-long dating after divorce journey, I met, talked with, dated, became friends with, and got into relationships with dozens of divorced men, so I feel like I know the divorced man pretty darn well. ...

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