How to be Independent in Life after Divorce


July 3rd, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

For many people, one of the scariest things about getting divorced is having to be much more independent. For example, I have a friend who moved right from her parent's house into the home she shared with her husband for 30 years until they got divor...

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Honey, I Want A Divorce: When A Woman Decides to Leave


June 28th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Below is an email from a reader who explained that she is going through a divorce, and that the divorce was HER decision. She asked me if I could give her some advice for when a woman decides to leave. In other words, how does one deal with the immen...

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My Ex Is In Love With Someone Else Now: How To Cope


June 22nd, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader who writes,“My ex is in love with someone else now:" I have a very difficult situation. My ex is in love with someone else now. I have been loving my ex wife for 20 years and I'm only 41. We separated about 5 years ago and our divo...

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My Ex Hates Me: 8 Reasons Why He’s Angry And Hateful Towards You


June 14th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Have you ever just felt like, 'My ex hates me'? Sure you have, and it's frustrating. It’s hard to understand how a person who used to be your husband (or wife) can switch gears so abruptly in a divorce. What I mean by that is, once loving, kind and...

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Keep Hating Your Spouse. It’s Really Good For You


June 8th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Are you one of those divorced people who is really hating your spouse? I mean deep hatred? If so, my advice is: keep hating your spouse. It's good for you. Wait, what?! I mean that in a very very sarcastic way. Let me explain! One night, I was ve...

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