Ouch. Advice for: ‘My Ex-Husband is Having a Baby With His Girlfriend’


June 2nd, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: I found out my ex-husband is having a baby with his girlfriend, an affair that carried on for a long time, even during my marriage.  I am probably most mad at myself on how I could have been so blind. It makes me wonder if he ever lov...

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What It Is Like To Fall In Love After 50?


May 30th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Falling in love after 50 is really really surprising to men and women. How I know this is, I’ve gotten countless emails from readers who are getting divorced and they write that a huge fear for them is that they will never find love again. Then,...

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Givers and Takers in Relationships


May 27th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are givers and takers in relationships. That doesn't mean that in every relationship, there is one giver and one taker. That might be the case, but a relationship could also have two takers or two givers. Or, more commonly, in every relationshi...

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3 Words For Those Who Have A Fear Of Dating


May 22nd, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

 I feel like I’ve gotten a lot of emails lately from readers who express a fear of dating after divorce. Having experienced it myself, I can say firsthand that I don't blame them! Dating after divorce is terrifying for anyone. Fear of dating, espe...

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What’s Up with the Negative Self-Talk During Divorce? Just Stop.


May 16th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Ever talk to yourself? Of course you do. "Why am I being so stupid?" "Why did I say that to her?" "I hope I didn't say anything dumb." "This dress used to be fit so much better." "I'm old." "I screwed up again." Sound familiar? I bet most people enga...

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