15 Questions Men Have About Women And My Answers


April 12th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Last week, I called my friend to tell him I was going to be a few minutes late for our meeting because I wanted to squeeze in a manicure."Why do women get their nails done?" he asked. "I never understood that." That's when it hit me. Sometimes, men j...

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You’re One Beautiful Divorced Girl! 15 Self-Confidence Boosters


April 7th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

This article comes from the bottom of my heart. Being newly separated or newly divorcedcan play a huge role when it comes to self-confidence. Going through a divorce can cause even someone with normally great self-esteem to have self-doubt and insecu...

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How Long Should You Casually Date Someone? Let’s Talk.


March 30th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

A Divorced Girl Smiling reader wrote this: I am recently divorced and not sure I want to get into another relationship right away, but don’t want to sleep around either. Is casual dating without sex even possible? And, how long should you casually ...

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Should This Woman Regret Getting Divorced? Nope.


March 24th, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

Do people get divorced and never look back? Some do. But I think most divorced men and women spend weeks, months, years, and even decades in some cases, rehashing things that happened in their marriage, looking back and second guessing decisions they...

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What Do You Do When a Child is Overly Attached to One Parent?


March 21st, 2022 . Jackie Pilossoph

A really really hard part about getting divorced with young kids, is helping them adapt to going from Mom's house to Dad's house and back. It's brutal, and I can still vividly remember how much it hurt, watching my kids at 3 and 5 try to figure out w...

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