Do Looks Matter More than Personality? They Shouldn’t.


November 30th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

When it comes to dating after divorce, something that bugs me immensely (and both men and women are guilty of it) are that people think looks are the most important thing. Do looks matter more than personality? To some, yes. Do looks matter more than...

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Alone On Thanksgiving? Tips To Making It A Great Day


November 22nd, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Thanksgiving is a holiday that screams family, food, fun, and NOT being or feeling alone. But the reality is, some people won't have that kind of day.  Some people will be alone on Thanksgiving. This article is about why that is totally fine! May...

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Is My Husband Cheating? New Cologne And Underwear Indicate Yes


November 13th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: I'm wondering, 'Is my husband cheating?' In the last year, my husband has taken an interest in colognes and new underwear. And, his data on his cell phone shows crazy high usage. I have asked if he has a girlfriend and he has denied it...

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Dating After Divorce At 50: What To Wear, What To Say And Other Tips


November 8th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I was 49 years old, I ended a six year relationship. Single again at 49 and dating again was nauseating to think about, but I did it. Is dating after divorce at 50 easy? Um... How can I say this delicately? HELL NO. That said, there are ma...

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Divorced With Kids? 20 Co-Parenting Tips


November 1st, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Isn’t the concept of being divorced with kids kind of ironic? Think about it. You and your spouse decide you don’t want to live together any longer, you want to get divorced, you don’t want to be a couple, and chances are the amount of resentme...

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