Life After Divorce for a Woman Can be Wonderful


October 17th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Life after divorce for a woman might seem really scary. The lifestyle changes of divorce can feel brutal. Financial adjustments, living alone, dating... some of these can actually feel like a nightmare. But despite that change is really scary, there ...

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Why Blind Dates Are Still One Of The Best Ways To Find Love


September 26th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

When did people stop going on blind dates? When the dating app industry exploded. Dating apps are the most common way people find love, and while I'm happy that there is such an effective method, I can't help but feel like the blind date got pushed a...

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Dating After Divorce With Kids Isn’t Easy When They Refuse To Accept It


September 20th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

One of the many reasons I love being a divorce website writer and dating columnist is that almost every time I meet someone new and they find out what I do, they ask me for either dating or divorce advice, or in the case of two nights ago, dating wit...

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Divorced Woman Wants to Know How to Start Dating Again


September 11th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Divorced Girl Smiling received this comment from a woman seeking inspiration and asking how to start dating again. Still kind of saddened by my divorce of 6 years ago. My ex’s son and I live across the country and enjoy a new life – but with s...

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Lying About Your Age on Dating Sites? Why You Should Stop


August 30th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Dating websites and dating apps are still the number one way people meet, connect and fall in love. That said, there are some downsides. one negative is the ease in which people can lie, specifically about age. So, are you lying about your age on dat...

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