Who Gives The Best Divorce Advice And Who You Should Ignore


May 14th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Tell someone you are divorced (or getting divorced) and you are sure to get an earful, most times without even asking! “I had a feeling...” “Men are such jerks!” “I never liked him anyhow" “Oh, I’m so sorry, was he cheating?” and my f...

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Parenting Time and Your Child’s Birthday


May 8th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

One of the many very difficult aspects of being newly separated or divorced is dealing with parenting time, child custody agreements, and not being able to see your kids every day. I can remember crying hysterically the first night my kids slept out ...

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Regretting a Breakup? Advice for Second Thoughts and Doubts


May 5th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

If I had to bet, I would say there has never been a breakup in the history of serious relationships and/or marriages, in which the couple didn’t get back together (or think about getting back together) at least one time before they got divorced. In...

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The Two Biggest Obstacles In Forgiving A Cheater


May 2nd, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Readers email me frequently, asking for advice on what to do in coping with a cheating husband (or wife). Some of them want to try to work it out, while others are vehemently headed for divorce  court. But a lot of spouses are unsure, and their inde...

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First Date Tips: Good And Bad Topics of Conversation


April 17th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Although they can be hopeful, exciting and fun, let's be honest, first dates can consist of massive moments of awkward silence. For example, feeling like you have food between your teeth, wondering if he is noticing your nervousness, regretting your ...

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