A Big Tip for Those Wondering How to Cope with Divorce as a Woman


February 19th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Wondering how to cope with divorce as a woman? I can tell you firsthand, it's really hard at times, but one thing is for sure: you will find a way and you will get through it. It’s been 14 years and I can still vividly remember times in the firs...

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Going through a divorce? Names you need and why


February 6th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Going through a divorce is like entering a new place; a place that is completely unfamiliar and unpredictable. It’s a scary place. You don’t know how things work there, you don’t know the language, mistakes can cost you—emotionally and financ...

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My Q & A With Divorce Attorney Tiffany Hughes


January 25th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

  There is a passion and energy I feel when talking to divorce attorney, Tiffany Hughes. Hughes, who is the founder of her Chicago based all-women family law firm, became one of my Divorced Girl Smiling partners about a year ago, and everyone...

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Dating a Divorced Woman? Here’s What We Want And Don’t Want


January 22nd, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

Dating a divorced woman? Here's a story that might help you understand what we want and don't want! What Divorced Women Want and Don’t Want From the Men We Date by Jackie Pilossoph for The Good Men Project Karen could not have been more excite...

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How Do You Know When To Leave a Marriage?


January 19th, 2021 . Jackie Pilossoph

It’s hard to believe it’s been 16 years since I was sitting in my therapist’s office with tears streaming down my face, realizing my marriage had to be over. How do you know when to leave a marriage?   It’s different for everyone, ...

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