Divorced Mom Goes From Small Apartment To Beautiful Condo! Why Is She So Sad?


November 5th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

I'm a divorced mom who has been divorced almost 2 years. My two young daughters and I moved into a small 2 bedroom apartment shortly after the divorce and have been living there for a couple years. Yesterday I put in a bid on a condo. I should feel p...

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My Husband is Miserable in Our Marriage: What You Can and Can’t Do


October 9th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a reader: My husband is miserable in our marriage. We have been together for over 20 years. Things started getting really bad when he became very unhappy with this job (and life in general it seemed) about 5 years ago. We seem to have very diffe...

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Should This Woman Give Up On Her Cheating Husband?


September 27th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

Read this woman’s email, which tells the story of her cheating husband, their trips to discernment counseling (which is a process where a couple decides if they should try to work things out or get divorced), and some of her husband's remarks. ema...

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Are you Dating a Liar? Here are 11 Signs You Might Be


September 24th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

Dating after divorce isn't easy. One thing I remember, and  that I hear from men and women dating in their forties and fifties and beyond, is that people lie. They lie about many things, including their age, why they got divorced, what they want in ...

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55 Things I’ve Learned About Life and Love After Divorce


September 3rd, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

I wrote this article when I turned 55: Today I am 55 years old. Yep, double nickels. Not sure how that even happened. I feel so much younger than 55! The thing is, as I reflect on the past year, there have been wonderful, amazing days and weeks, but ...

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