Advice for “My Ex and My Best Friend Are Dating!”


June 2nd, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

Advice for a woman who wrote to tell me, “My ex and my best friend are dating:” As I just passed the one-year anniversary of my divorce, I've learned that what many had suggested at the time of my separation is most likely true: my ex and my...

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Going Through An Unfair Divorce?


May 27th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

Ever have one of those days when everything in your divorce seems really unfair? Let's talk about an unfair divorce. I'll start with an example.   I talked to a woman recently who has a full time job and is struggling to pay her bills. Her...

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Two Powerful Tools For Divorce Sadness, Stress and Fear


May 24th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

Back in 2007 when I was going through my divorce and feeling immense divorce sadness, stress and fear, people didn’t talk about gratitude and meditation like they do now. Or maybe they did, and I just wasn’t listening.   But these days...

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How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex With Someone Else


April 26th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are countless difficult aspects of ending a relationship and/or getting divorced. One of the big issues I hear from people—no matter if they wanted the divorce or their spouse left them, is fear of how they will feel if and when their ex star...

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What ‘I Got Dumped’ Really Means and How To Handle It


April 19th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I hear someone say, "I got dumped" I cringe. Why? Because the word "dumped" sounds really harsh, mean and insensitive.   I recently received this text from a friend: "I got dumped. He said there just wasn't a spark."   First...

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