Stress, Fear and Frustration of Parenting Time During COVID-19


March 31st, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

When you're getting divorced or divorced, parenting time is something that is usually court ordered or agreed upon in mediation. In other words, the schedule that you and your ex set up is usually bound by law. But does that apply to parenting time d...

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One Word For Handling Custody Visitation During Coronavirus


March 23rd, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

If you’re getting divorced or already divorced, chances are you have a visitation schedule in place for the kids. Maybe it’s one week at Mom’s, one week at Dad’s, or maybe Dad has the kids every other weekend and Wednesday nights, or maybe yo...

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Getting Divorced During Coronavirus? A Few Things To Think About…


March 14th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I was getting divorced 11 years ago, it was the center of my universe. Like almost everyone getting divorced, I basically couldn’t think about anything else but my divorce. My life was consumed by a wide range of emotions that stemmed from all...

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How to Make Divorce Easier: Take the High Road!


March 8th, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

As we all know, dealing with an ex is no piece of cake. Things are constantly changing in both yours and your ex's life, and issues come up. Maybe a new job or los of a job, maybe something going on with your kids, maybe a new romance in either yours...

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What Women Are Attracted to: A Guy Who Makes Us Laugh


February 23rd, 2020 . Jackie Pilossoph

When I heard about a recent Stanford University study about what women are attracted to, and that revealed the fact that women are more attracted to men who make them laugh, I had to laugh. They had to do a study to figure that out? Isn’t it common...

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