A Great Book For Couples: No Advice, Just Questions


May 19th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

In this week's Love Essentially, I feature what I think is a great book for couples. It's meant to foster conversation and bring couples closer together. Here is the article: New relationship book is all questions, no advice by Jackie Pilossoph for...

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Your Partner’s Low Libido. Let’s Talk


May 16th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

What do you do when your partner's low libido lowers your self-esteem? by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Media Group When two people first fall in love, we all know what typically goes on: lots of sex. Most new couples can’t get enough...

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Prenuptial Agreements: Should You Get One And Tips If You Do


May 14th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

Two decades ago, when I was getting married, someone I know said to me, “If you are thinking about one of those prenuptial agreements, then you shouldn’t even be marrying the person.”   I ended up not getting a prenup and I ended up ...

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Women Express What Being A Mother Means


May 5th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

I love Mother's Day, and every year we celebrate and do something fun. But honestly, I feel the privilege of being a mother every day of the year. I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't feel immense gratitude for the two best gifts I ...

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Ten Breakup Lessons I Learned From My Mother, A Divorce Attorney


April 29th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

Editors note: Going through a breakup or a divorce is emotionally painful, but there are also logistical/practical difficulties that come with the end of a relationship. What I mean by that is, if you are going through a divorce or a breakup, you mig...

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