How Many People Have You Slept With? Do Numbers Really Matter?


January 6th, 2019 . Jackie Pilossoph

I have a friend who is in his fifties who travels a lot for work. So, he’s on planes every week. He told me that he was bored on a flight one time, so he decided to get a pen and a piece of paper and write down every woman he’s ever had sex with....

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Was 2018 The Worst Year Of Your Life?


December 31st, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

I remember reading someone’s Facebook post last year on December 31st, and it read, “Good-bye 2017, I WON’T miss you at all.” Apparently, 2017 was not a good year for her. While I understand the post—her husband left her in early January, 2...

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Two Perspectives: “I Left My Husband” Versus “My Wife Left Me”


December 22nd, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

From someone who has been receiving emails and comments from readers for almost 6 years, I can say with certainty that I’ve heard tens of thousands of heartbreaking stories having to do with marital problems, divorce, and dating and relationships. ...

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Did You Know That Hugs Are Good For Your Health?


December 13th, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

If you are thinking about divorce, chances are you are feeling pretty lonely. If you are going through a divorce, you are probably feeling scared and lonely. And if you are dating after a divorce, who knows what you are feeling! Dating after divorce ...

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Single Mother Advice: Just Be You


November 13th, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

I have been a single mom since 2007. That doesn’t mean my ex doesn’t see my children. So, I’m not claiming to be this struggling, single mom who’s all alone in the world. But that said, being a single mom has always been challenging for me. B...

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