Should You Loan Money To A Friend Or Relative Getting Divorced?


January 14th, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

Awhile back, I wrote an article, published in the Huffington Post called “10 Ways To Help Someone Going through a divorce.” While I think I gave some good advice, I did not address giving help financially to a friend or relative who is getting di...

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A Look At The HBO Show Divorce


January 11th, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

For this week's Love Essentially, I got to interview Jenny Bicks, who is the Executive Producer and showrunner for the HBO show divorce. It was so much fun to talk to Jenny, as she was a writer and EP, and actually won an Emmy for my all-time favorit...

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Divorce Advice: Here’s What Happens When You Move On Too Fast


January 2nd, 2018 . Jackie Pilossoph

  This reader is seeking divorce advice: I have been divorced for two years (no kids), and I have since gotten remarried to an amazing lady and we have a child together.  You would think all of the emotion would be gone regarding my first...

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I Slept With My Ex And Regret It. Of Course You Do.


December 30th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

This reader writes: "I slept with my ex and regret it." She goes on... My Ex husband left me for a horrible woman. I did everything, I respected him, I was loyal and truly loved him. After several months of being with this horrible woman, he admit...

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Three Amazing Holiday Gifts You Can Give That Don’t Come In A Box


December 15th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

With the holidays right around the corner, holiday gifts are on everyone's minds. What's ironic is that people buy holiday gifts to show their love. But there are other ways to show someone you care. So, in this week's Love Essentially, I address thr...

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