Beware: There Is Heroin In The Suburbs


November 11th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Parents, beware. There is heroin in the suburbs. After conducting this interview I am scared as hell. The good news is, if we talk to our kids, we have a chance to prevent them from even trying it once. A Heartbroken Mom Says 'Heroin is in your su...

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What Was This Guy Thinking Getting Engaged In Front Of His Kids?


November 2nd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are so many romantic ways to get engaged: on a boat, in a park, at a romantic dinner, on vacation, or my favorite-- in the place where you met or fell in love. Getting engaged is such a beautiful occasion, and something that the couple will rem...

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What Happens When Dad Doesn’t Show Up For Visitation?


October 24th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

What Happens When Dad Doesn't Show Up?  by Jackie Pilossoph for ESME It starts the day a child is born: a mom’s desire to make things all better. Remember how hard it was when your baby was wailing and you couldn’t figure out how to get him ...

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Collaborative Divorce: Why You Might Want One


October 21st, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I had never heard of collaborative divorce until a few years ago. In fact, if I wasn't the writer of this blog, I probably still wouldn't know what it was. But collaborative divorce is becoming more and more well-known and well received, because it's...

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Thinking About Divorce? Here Is Your Legal Consultation


October 18th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Several years ago, when I began thinking about divorce, not only was I scared, angry, confused and heartbroken, but I also felt intensely overwhelmed  when it came to understanding the divorce process, how things work, legal documents, and the court...

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