Blending Families, Moving in Together and Staying Happy


August 27th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I received this email from a divorced dad seeking advice about blending families, moving in together and trying to stay happy: I'm a divorced dad of two teenage boys and have been divorced for over 12 years. I've dated many women over the last decad...

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Marital Problems Arise From Living Situation For This Couple


August 25th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Read my advice column, Love Essentially, where I offer advice to a woman having marital problems due to her sister-in-law, who is living with them. Three Is A Crowd For This Married Couple And His Sister by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Pi...

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Woman Going Through A Divorce: “Forget About Sleep. Not Happening.”


August 22nd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Here is an email I received from a woman going through a divorce. She sent it around 4am: Today really got the best of me. Putting my home on the market has really taken this divorce to a whole new reality. I am crushed. Once again, my son is mad ...

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Marriage Advice From Around The Globe


August 19th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Marriage advice on a divorce website? Of course! I'm posting this article for those thinking of separating or those whose marriages might be in trouble. It is meant to either give you ideas on how to make your marriage better, or to help you face rea...

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Two Words For Those Looking For Love


August 13th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

In this week's Love Essentially, I offer advice to those looking for love. I'll spoil it and tell you that the two words are authenticity and vulnerability. Both of these things are key in finding true happiness in a romantic relationship. When peopl...

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