Waiting For Mr. Right To Pop The Question?


August 10th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

This is a piece I wrote, intended for young women who think they found Mr. Right and who are now waiting for him to pop the question.  12 Tips For Women Waiting For That Perfect Diamond Ring  by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Pioneer Pr...

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Staying Married For the Kids?


August 3rd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Staying married for the kids? Alison Maloni decided not to do that and wrote about it. Here is her guest post, which offers her perspective on why it doesn't make sense to stay in an unhappy married for the children.    A Message to Paren...

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Why This Couple Survived Alcohol Addiction


July 31st, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Alcohol addiction and other addictions are among the most challenging and heartbreaking things a couple can face. Why? Because usually when one of the people begins suffering from an addiction—drugs, alcohol, sex, or gambling to name a few, one or ...

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Thinking Of Having Plastic Surgery After Divorce?


July 24th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I remember hearing a long time ago that the most common plastic surgery after divorce was breast implants. If that statement is accurate, I would not be surprised. I would think many women contemplate plastic surgery after divorce because they feel i...

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Single Dad Dating Needs Advice For Confidence


July 21st, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

This single dad dating needs some help. Read his story and feel free to offer him your advice! I’m 33 and a single father. My wife left me for a woman. I find the dating game terrifying, with Tinder, Snapchat and all the latest dating tools I do...

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