Kids’ Competitive Sports And Marital Conflict


July 17th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

There are countless reasons for marital conflict, but the kids is probably pretty high up there on the list of the most common. In this week's Love Essentially, published in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press, I address marital strife that can be caus...

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The Best Divorce Prevention Advice I Can Give


July 11th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I've never really written anything about divorce prevention, but I think this article I wrote, which was published in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press is about the closest.  I truly believe that relationships need to be nourished. I'm not saying...

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3 Examples Of Nasty Divorce Tactics


July 8th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Getting divorced is no picnic. It can feel like a war in many cases, and you feel like you are trying to come to agreements with someone who has become a complete stranger to you.What does this have to do with nasty divorce tactics? Let me explain. ...

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Sleeping In Separate Bedrooms: Is It Snoring or Lack Of Love?


July 2nd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

People's first reaction to hearing about a couple sleeping in separate bedrooms is to assume they are headed for divorce. While that might be true for some couples, there is an overwhelming number of couples who are sleeping in separate bedrooms for ...

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Does Tracking A Spouse’s Phone Imply Lack Of Trust?


June 23rd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

I recently began tracking my kids' phones and it got me thinking, if I was married, how would I feel about tracking my husband's phone? One one hand, tracking a spouse's phone would probably give a person peace of mind. On the other hand, it could cr...

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