Know Anyone Acting Single While in a Relationship?


January 14th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

Know anyone acting single while in a relationship or marriage? I'm talking about a man or a woman who despite the fact that they are married don't miss a chance to get together with the girls (or guys) and go out to bars and restaurants and clubs. Th...

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Say Hello To Your Authentic Self


January 6th, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

This is an amazing piece by Dr. Baruch Halevi about the importance of saying hello to your authentic self, and good-bye to your inauthentic self. Your Inauthentic Self Is A Real Bitch...Why You Should Speak Your Truth And Kick Her To The Curb By B...

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This Is Us: This Is Addicting!


January 3rd, 2017 . Jackie Pilossoph

This Is Us Does More Than Entertain by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press I had a chance over the holidays to binge watch the NBC comedy-drama series everyone I know has been talking about: "This Is Us." Now I know why everyone is...

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The Real Reason You Are Getting Divorced


December 29th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

When people are thinking of separating or getting divorced, they usually have specific reasons. They can include cheating, excessive drinking, growing apart, losing the passion, fighting a lot, and many more. But as DGS contributor, Rabbi Dr. Baruch ...

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Trying To Save Your Marriage? Chances Are Good If You Have 3 Things


December 23rd, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

If you are thinking of separating and trying to save your marriage, this is a great article for you. I believe that just as important as love (if not more important) there are 3 things you need to sustain a happy marriage. Here is my Love Essentially...

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