How Do You Move On After Divorce As A Man? Admit, Accept and Appreciate


October 3rd, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

From a divorced guy: I just don't know anymore.  Everything I had worked to build for over twenty years--retirements, my house, everything, she took it all.  Three years later, I am struggling and she is doing great.  Everyone tells me to move o...

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Can A Sniff Make You Fall In Love?


September 30th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

What makes people fall in love? There is love at first site, there is friendship that leads to love. It could be someone's laugh, or their passion for what they do, or the way they are with their kids. It could be anything. But what about how a perso...

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Loyalty Outweighs Infidelity In Ray Donovan Marriage


September 24th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

If you are a fan of the hit Showtime series, Ray Donovan, than you'll appreciate this week's Love Essentially, published in the Chicago Tribune Pioneer press, about the Donovan's marriage, and how even through infidelity they find a way to stay toget...

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7 Reasons The Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Divorce Isn’t That Surprising


September 21st, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

The Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt divorce, also known as the end of Brangelina has people stunned, and I really don’t understand why. While I am a huge fan of the couple—because I love that they adopted kids and that they both engage in so many humani...

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How To Save Money In Divorce


September 19th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

This is a great guest post by divorce attorney, Michael Romano, who lists several ways on how to save money in divorce. How To Save Thousands of Dollars In Your Divorce  by Michael Romano One of the primary reasons that parties to a divorce av...

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