Stop Whining And Complaining And Just Enjoy The Rain!


September 17th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Life can be hard. There's no doubt about it. Everyone has problems every single day--large and small. But too much whining and complaining can make everything worse, including your love life. That is the subject of this week's Love Essentially column...

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The Anthony Weiner Sexting Scandal: What We Can Learn About Faithfulness and Addiction


September 9th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

What We Can Learn From The Anthony Weiner Sexting Scandal by Jackie Pilossoph for the Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press "Strike three, you're out!" isn't something the Chicago Cubs are hearing much lately, but those words just hit Anthony W...

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Relationship Advice: What To Expect When you Expect Too Much


September 2nd, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

“Don’t expect anything and you’ll never be disappointed.” That was said to me by a friend a long, long time ago. At the time, I felt like she was being pessimistic and negative. I was very very wrong. Not only is this not a negative way of th...

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LinkedIn Stalking… Invasive or Understandable?


August 26th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

I got a call from a friend of mine, asking me for advice. My friend is a divorced dad, and his ex-wife is in a relationship with a guy who also has kids. So the other day, my friend went on LinkedIn to check him out. He has never met the guy, who is ...

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How To Talk To Your Teen About Dating, Love and Sex


August 21st, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

In honor of this time of back to school, this week's Love Essentially addresses how to talk to your teen about dating, love and sex. It's not easy, but here are some great tips!   7 Tips For Talking To Your Teen About Their Love Life by J...

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