There’s The Single Parent And Then There’s The VERY Single Parent


July 22nd, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

I'm pretty sure all divorced men and women call themselves a single parent. Whether it is someone who sees their kids every other weekend for just a few hours or a person who sees their children every single day (with no break and no help from the ex...

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The Single Mom Vacation


July 20th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

Just published on ESME, my article about the benefits of the single mom taking vacations, along with tips for a great trip.   Thinking of a Vacation Without The Kids? by Jackie Pilossoph for ESME Why it's beneficial and tips on what to...

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What The Dallas Police Shootings Made Me Realize About Hate And Love


July 14th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

My Love Essentially column, on why we need to respond to the tragic Dallas police shootings not with more hate and anger, but rather with love.   Respond to Acts of Hate With Love by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Pioneer Press &...

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When He Wants Sex All The Time And She Doesn’t


July 9th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

He wants sex all the time and she doesn't. It's such a typical scenario. That said, the opposite can be true in relationships too, where she wants sex all the time and he doesn't. Sex in a serious relationship or a marriage is a complex issue with so...

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Fourth of July: Celebrate YOUR Independence


June 30th, 2016 . Jackie Pilossoph

What are you doing on the fourth of July? Whether you are going to your community parade or you are on vacation or you are having an outdoor party with some friends, you will be celebrating our country's independence; something that in 1776 took cour...

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