dating with a disability

Woman Seeks Advice About Dating With a Disability

This email came from a DGS reader who is about to go through a divorce, and is looking for advice about dating with a disability: I have been married to my second husband for 15 years.  Several years into the marriage, I was diagnosed with a rare condition that has impacted my vision – mostly … Read more

single mom dating tips

You Got This, Girl! 10 Single Mom Dating Tips

Jackie, I’m wondering if you can write about dating as a single mom when your ex is especially difficult.  In any divorce, when you think about dating again, you get overwhelmed, but what if you add to that worries about your ex actually trying to sabotage any attempt to move on, just to “get even.” … Read more

dating a single dad

Dating A Single Dad: 5 Ways To Make Things Easier

Dating a single dad can be complicated. It can make you feel sad, frustrated, infuriated and can possibly drive you crazy, at times. Why? Because there are so many different relationships going on at the same time, and some or all can be intense and sensitive and complex. Let’s look at the dynamics of dating … Read more


Dating At 50: No, You Don’t Turn Into A Pumpkin When You Turn 50

Question from a reader: I have a question about dating at 50. For some reason, men in their 50s are judged by different criteria, not looks alone, whereas for women, physical appearance still is a primary criteria. I am 52. I hear feedback from many men my age that they are simply not attracted to … Read more

loving relationship

Want A Guarantee for A Loving Relationship? One Word

I have written many articles on the importance of trust, respect, attraction and other things needed for a healthy, loving relationship. But couples will not be able to sustain these things without one component. In other words, what’s the one word that makes the difference between staying happy together or being unhappy together and/or getting … Read more

how to not get dumped

How to NOT Get Dumped: Avoid these 5 Behaviors

You got divorced and began dating. You never thought you’d meet someone you’d fall in love with again. And then you did!! Things couldn’t be better. You’ve never been happier. So, how do you stay happy? Here is my advice for a wonderfully healthy relationship, and how to not get dumped. How to not get dumped … Read more

why do people cheat

Why Do People Cheat? Here’s One Significant Reason

Why do people cheat? Here are a few possible reasons before I get to a significant reason:   1. A person gets drunk and makes a bad decision. 2. A spouse isn’t interested in sex and the person feels rejected over and over again. 3. A person feels unloved, unappreciated or disrespected. 4. When someone … Read more

finding and keeping good love

The Key To Finding And Keeping Good Love

What is it about finding and keeping good love that seems so difficult and/or challenging for some of us? You hear about the divorce rate being at an all-time high- especially for people over 50 who are becoming empty nesters and losing the glue that held their families together.  But why is it so complicated … Read more

cheating spouse

You Have A Right To Ask Questions To Your Cheating Spouse

You can’t shake the feelings once you’ve been cheated on. The disbelief; the shock; the devastation. The disorienting sensation that you don’t know what’s true—all compounded by a surreal realization that you don’t know who your cheating spouse is anymore. It’s an entirely bewildering experience. You might start questioning your every move. Am I being too … Read more

book for couples

A Great Book For Couples: No Advice, Just Questions

In this week’s Love Essentially, I feature what I think is a great book for couples. It’s meant to foster conversation and bring couples closer together. Here is the article: New relationship book is all questions, no advice by Jackie Pilossoph for Chicago Tribune Media Group How well do you really know your partner? Do … Read more