husband no longer wants children

Advice For: “We’re Getting Divorced Because My Husband No Longer Wants Children”

When two people decide they want to get married, I think most discuss whether or not they are on the same page for many, many major life decisions. This includes whether or not to have kids and maybe even how many. But what happens when you get married, and your spouse decides later that he … Read more

staying happy in your relationship

6 Tips To Staying Happy In Your Relationship

Most of us have heard of the concept of looking at our relationship with our partner as a garden that we plant and tend. The concept being that as with a garden, we plant the seeds of our relationship with another, and watch as it blooms into something that brings beauty and joy into our … Read more

getting together with an ex

Is Getting Together With An Ex A Good Idea or A Recipe For Tears?

In this week’s Love Essentially, I offer the potential advantages and disadvantages of getting together with an ex. Is it a good idea to meet up? Maybe you need closure or just miss him (or her.) Or, will it re-break your heart? Here’s my take on it. Should This Woman Go Out For A Beer … Read more

Megyn Kelly TODAY

Divorced Girl Smiling Featured on Megyn Kelly TODAY!

I recently had an opportunity to tell my story on Megyn Kelly TODAY! What a thrill that was! Although a little scary to put myself out there and be vulnerable in front of America, (there’s a big difference between writing it on a computer and verbalizing it on national TV!) but it felt good because … Read more

questions to ask on first 3 dates

7 Questions To Ask On The First 3 Dates

Here’s some dating advice that comes in the form of question to ask on the first 3 dates. These questions will help you determine if you’re truly ready to go after your goal of having a long-term, successful relationship. Picture this: You’re on the 3rd date with someone you really like – and who seems … Read more

getting mixed signals from a girl

Getting Mixed Signals From a Girl Means She’s Mixed Up

Here is an email from a reader  seeking advice about getting mixed signals from a girl. He is seeing a woman who is 7 years older than he is. The two have known each other for awhile, and she reached out to him when she heard he was divorced.   After she had reached out … Read more

dating a nice guy but not attracted

Dating a Nice Guy But Not Attracted? Keep Dating Him!

Ladies, fess up. Are you dating a nice guy but not attracted? Maybe he didn’t do anything for you physically? He called when he said he would, confirmed plans, was a gentleman…but nothing in the feelings department. Nada. Zero. Zilch. So you go from dating a nice guy but not attracted to dumping the nice … Read more

acting like he's still married

Why Is This Woman’s Divorced Boyfriend Acting Like He’s Still Married?

There are multiple reasons people get divorced, and every divorce is unique. But almost always, when a couple splits up, among the reasons why is that the couple no longer has the desire to spend time together. Period. I mean, you get divorced because you want to be apart. But that’s not the case for … Read more

dating tips

Dating Tips For Divorced Parents

Dating is hard enough, but dating as a divorced parent brings on a whole other set of challenges, from finding time to spend together to introducing the kids or not–it’s a fine line. In this week’s Love Essentially, I shared the story of a frustrated reader who is dating a divorced mom. I also offered … Read more

spouse doesn't want a divorce

This Might Be Holding You Back From Being In Healthy Relationships

Are you someone who feels like something is preventing you from being in healthy relationships? This blog post might help. I recently came across an article about empaths that resonated deeply with me and knew I had to share it. Being a therapist and an empath myself, I have worked many years to stay balanced … Read more

happy in your relationship

The Key To Being Happy In Your Relationship

Do you have a friend who is always late, but you put up with it because she’s always there for you no matter what? Or what about that friend who constantly complains about her life and takes no action to improve it, but you accept that about her because you know she’s in a tough spot and you’re … Read more