I've written so many articles giving advice to women on how to deal with their ex's new girlfriend. But I've never looked at the issue from the girlfriend's point of view; in other words, what if you're the girlfriend dealing with your boyfriend's ex...
Category Archives: Dating and Relationships – Divorced Girl Smiling
Lies in a Relationship: 25 You Might Have Heard or Told
Everyone lies. Let's face it. Little white lies are told to avoid hurting someone's feelings, lies are told to make things easier, and sometimes people lie and they don't even know why they lied. The other day, I was having lunch with a girlfriend wh...
Unconditional Love Vs Conditional Love
Let's talk about unconditional love vs conditional love. In my opinion, one of the most beautiful sounds in the world is that of a child singing. So, when I happened to walk by my 12-year-old daughter's room recently and heard her sweet voice singing...
Relationship Closure: Do We Need It or Is It Better To Let Things Go?
Are you looking for relationship closure after your divorce? The aftermath of every breakup or divorce is unique. Some couples are able to remain good friends, others end up cordial but distant, and then there are some who walk away bitter and angry,...
Dating Someone Who is Not Divorced Yet: Is it Right For You?
There are many men and women who have a rule when it comes to dating someone who is not divorced yet: they won’t do it. A few years ago, I tried to set up a guy who was separated but not divorced yet with a divorced woman. When I told the woman he ...