harmonious relationship

Want a Harmonious Relationship With Your Ex? This is Key.

A harmonious relationship is characterized by friendliness and peaceful interactions. That might seem ironic if you are aiming for a harmonious relationship with your ex. But a harmonious relationship also includes shared goals and mutual respect, and that is certainly something to which every divorced couple should aspire. Navigating separation or divorce is challenging, and … Read more

waiting for an apology

Waiting For An Apology From Your Ex? Stop.

An email I received from a divorced woman who is waiting for an apology that in my opinion will never come. I am struggling with this today. I have apologized and OWNED my part in the destruction of our marriage. But I realized something … I am still waiting for an apology from him for … Read more

divorce agreement

The Importance of Including College in Your Divorce Agreement

Divorce is never easy. It’s a time filled with so many emotions—grief, stress, uncertainty. And for parents with college-bound children, it can feel like yet another overwhelming layer on top of an already difficult process. While you’re navigating the negotiations of child support, alimony, and dividing assets, one aspect that can sometimes slip through the … Read more

life after divorce for a woman

Life After Divorce for a Woman Can be Wonderful

Life after divorce for a woman might seem really scary. The lifestyle changes of divorce can feel brutal. Financial adjustments, living alone, dating… some of these can actually feel like a nightmare. But despite that change is really scary, there is a lot of good that comes with change. Most people don’t see it that … Read more

what is a personal mission statement

What is a Personal Mission Statement? Why You Need One During Divorce

What is a personal mission statement? It’s a declaration that describes your core values and your future goals. So, what better thing to do than to create a personal mission statement during your divorce? A divorce mission statement can help you stay focused and accountable during divorce. It’s so easy to lose sight of our … Read more

change and fear

What I Learned about Change and Fear On a Roadtrip From Naples to West Palm

Like any fifty-something woman, any kind of change or doing something I’ve never done before induces anxiety and fear. In other words, change and fear go hand-in-hand for so many people. It’s uncomfortable to do something different. So, when my high school girlfriends and I decided to go to Naples for a long weekend, I … Read more

Homeownership after Divorce: The Emotions and Financial Reality

Divorce is a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions with major life-changing decisions that need to be made during a period of tremendous stress. One of the biggest decisions has to do with homeownership after divorce. Will you stay in your home? Will you sell it? Will you buy a new home? Will you rent? As … Read more

what is self-compassion

What is Self-Compassion and How is it Different Than Self-Love?

What is self-compassion?  Let’s start with “what is sense of self?” In our complex and dynamic world, external factors exist that we have little to no control over. This creates internalized emotions that we often misread, misinterpret, and misunderstand. We spend time trying to eat healthier, sleep better, achieve balance, be mindful, and access our tools, … Read more

can my marriage be saved

Can My Marriage Be Saved? It Depends.

Can my marriage be saved? This is the reason couples come to see me, a discernment counselor. In one to four sessions, we aim to have the answer, and to have both partners on the same page. Although every couple has a unique story and situation, there are certain things that go on and statements … Read more

recognizing opportunities

Recognizing Opportunities Created By Divorce

When it comes to divorce, recognizing opportunities can be difficult, since divorce can feel chaotic. Your world is suddenly upside down. Chaos is the opposite of control. Now consider the word “opportunity.”  For me, this has positive emotions connected to it, as in, “What a great opportunity!”  I’ve never heard anyone say, “That’s a terrible … Read more