closure after breakup

Closure after a Breakup: “I Want a Sit Down With My Ex”

How many times have you heard someone say (or have you said it) “I need closure”? Is there anything that feels more cleansing to a person than to sit and tell your ex how you feel? Listen to how your ex feels? Perhaps apologize for things or get an apology from him? Express regrets/how you … Read more

When getting divorced

4 Mistakes When Getting Divorced and How to Avoid Making Them

When getting divorced, jumping into the process without being fully prepared for what is to come can lead to several critical and potentially costly mistakes. Fortunately, with the right preparation, mistakes can be avoided. Here are four common mistakes people make when getting divorced, along with how to avoid making them: Mistake No. 1: Failing … Read more

loneliness and substance abuse

Loneliness and Substance Abuse and How it Can Affect Co-Parenting

Navigating the choppy waters of co-parenting is challenging under the best circumstances. But when coupled with feelings of loneliness, the pressures can magnify, increasing the risk of substance abuse and addiction. This delicate dynamic of loneliness and substance abuse is not just a personal struggle but often a silent one, hidden behind the daily routines … Read more

when your ex gets married quickly

When Your Ex Gets Married Quickly: Feelings It Can Cause

What do you do when you get divorced, and when your ex gets married quickly? That’s what happened to this reader:  My husband fell in love with another woman. He even said that if he had a plate of food I was only 1 of the items while she was the whole plate and everything … Read more

area of self care

One Area of Self Care is Wealth Care

We all have routines in our lives. Some are daily habits of self care, like taking care of our skin or exercising, while others occur less frequently but still play a regular role, such as doctor appointments or therapy sessions. These self care routines help us stay grounded and maintain our physical and mental well-being. … Read more

co-parenting communication

4 Tips to Improving Co-Parenting Communication

During a separation or after a divorce, it can be hard for former partners to maintain any kind of relationship. Yet in situations where children are involved, parenting does not end even if the relationship does. Therefore, working to build and maintain positive co-parenting communication skills is valuable.   If you find yourself feeling as … Read more

first time home buyer after divorce

First Time Home Buyer after Divorce?

Being a first time home buyer after divorce isn’t uncommon. Maybe you were a homeowner, but you bought your home with your husband years ago. Now that you are getting divorced, you might be buying a home solo for the first time in a long time, or maybe even for the first time ever.  Buying … Read more