what to say in mediation

What to Say in Mediation to Have a Positive Outcome

Wondering what to say in mediation? I have been co-mediating with Brian James for over 16 years and unfortunately, we have heard statements people make to their spouse that are offensive, mean, and that ultimately undermine the mediation process. On a positive note, Brian and I have also heard our clients say wonderful things—things that … Read more

strong and independent woman

What Does it Mean to Be a Strong and Independent Woman?

What does it mean to be a strong and independent woman? Here is my story, which includes what it means to me. For a long time, I didn’t share or write much about my current marriage. After all, here I am serving women going through divorce, leaving their partner, breaking ties, and trying to show … Read more

recently separated

What Would You Tell Your Recently Separated Self?

Being recently separated, I can remember just feeling like I was in such unchartered territory. It was chaotic. So many things were new for me, and I just didn’t know what to expect. Examples of what you don’t know when you are recently separated: the court system, what mediation is, how to keep your home, … Read more

divorce process

The Long, Painful And Sometimes Unjust Divorce Process

If you are going through a divorce and feeling frustrated by the divorce process–how long it’s taking, some unfair things that seem to be going on, feeling like you just want it to be over, and tired of the expense of divorce, you are not alone. When it comes to the divorce process, it can … Read more

divorced women

5 Lies Divorced Women Hear From Their Girlfriends

Divorced women know better than anyone the importance of good girlfriends you can trust during divorce. A true friend will listen to you for hours about your worries and fears. She’ll sit there with you while you cry. She’ll drink wine with you and come running to meet you at Starbucks whenever you need her. … Read more

taking the high road in divorce

Why Taking The High Road In Divorce Matters And 10 Ways To Do It

Taking the high road in divorce is not easy. As a matter of fact, it might seem downright unfair, and even stupid sometimes. Why would you ever want to do anything good, or fair, or nice to someone who just destroyed your family, your dreams, and your heart? If you have kids, the obvious reason … Read more

stopping a bad habit

7 Steps In Stopping a Bad Habit

We all have bad habits. Some are so ingrained in our daily routine that we barely notice them. These habits may seem harmless, but they can hurt our lives in the long run. Examples of bad habits are procrastination, nail-biting, overeating, smoking, etc. Going through a divorce might be the right time to take action … Read more

will and trust after divorce

The Importance of Your Will and Trust After Divorce

After your divorce is finalized one more legal step needs to be taken: your will and trust after divorce. Newly divorced women (and men) should have their wills, trusts, and powers of attorney rewritten.  The new documents should reflect your new life.  You will want to provide for your children while ensuring that your ex … Read more

what is a qdro

What is a QDRO? This is Your Go-To Guide!

What is a QDRO? When people with retirement plans get a divorce in Texas, they often assume their retirement plans are separate property, and they get to take their retirement savings with them. This is usually not the case. Because Texas is a community property state, the court can award part of one spouse’s retirement plan … Read more

lies we tell ourselves

20 Lies We Tell Ourselves When It Comes To Divorce

Everyone copes with divorce in a unique way. We make good choices and bad choices or some of both, but sometimes we do something that really isn’t good or bad: we lie to ourselves. Lies we tell ourselves provide a temporary soothing solution to our broken hearts, they justify our decisions, or they make us … Read more

practicing mindfulness meditation

Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation During Divorce

 Divorce is often identified as the second most stressful life event we may experience, the first being death of a loved one. At a minimum divorce is challenging and stressful and often, it can be a devastating nightmare. Divorce is a time of loss, transition and often includes difficult feelings such as anger, worry and … Read more