how to get over a divorce

How to Get Over A Divorce: Stop Playing the Victim!

Want to know how to get over a divorce? I have some advice. When I was first getting divorced, I was depressed. I was sad, I was scared, but mostly I was angry. ‘Why did this happen to me?’ and ‘It’s not fair’ were constantly going through my mind. I felt like somehow I was … Read more

How to Rebuild Your Life after Divorce at 50

How do you rebuild your life after divorce at 50? It takes time and it’s a long journey, but it can be wonderful! Let me start by saying that when facing divorce, you have a choice. You can let the divorce define you and choose to believe  you are a failure, or you can use … Read more

when trust is broken in a relationship

When Trust Is Broken In A Relationship: Can You Ever Trust Again?

On the brink of divorce several years ago, sitting in my therapist’s office, through tears I asked her a significant question that I think all divorced people have: When trust is broken in a relationship, how can you ever trust anyone again?   Trusting someone again in a romantic relationship seems almost unfathomable. It’s like … Read more

signs of an unhealthy relationship

10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Before becoming a life coach specializing in relationships and divorce, I served on the leadership team of a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to end domestic violence by educating people about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. During this time, I learned so much about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, along … Read more

30 Questions About Divorce and Our Answers

Do you have questions about divorce? If you are considering divorce, or have already started the process, you probably have a lot! How long will the process take? How is child custody determined? How will our property be divided? In this article, we answer the most common questions about divorce and family law matters. The … Read more

7 Divorce Movies You Will Love

If you are going through a divorce, and someone says to you, “You’ve got to see this movie! It’s a divorce movie, about these two people who get divorced and…” you’d probably stop them right there and say, “No, thanks. Not interested.” After all, why would a  divorced person want to watch divorce movies?   … Read more

divorce advice for fear

Divorce Advice for Fear: One of the Hardest Emotions to Overcome

There are so many feelings that come with being newly separated and going through a divorce. These include: shock, guilt, devastation, sadness, anxiety, anger, bitterness and…one of the worst—FEAR. Fear is a very powerful emotion that can cause a lot of pain and stress, along with a lot of other issues, both physically and emotionally. … Read more

16 Tips for Divorced Dads from a Divorced Dad

I’m a divorced dad.  This wasn’t something I ever expected or wanted, but it happened. So, I have some tips for divorced dads based on what I’ve learned since my divorce, several years ago. My kids mean everything to me.  I was an active and involved dad from day 1 with each of my children.  … Read more

arguing with the ex

Arguing With The Ex: Know When To Walk Away

Arguing with the ex is a pretty common occurrence, given the fact that one main reason people get divorced is because they argue excessively. So, the interactions that were present in the marriage are usually similar in the divorce. Add resentment, hurt, and angry feelings into the mix, and arguing with the ex can get … Read more

how much does a divorce cost

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? 8 Factors to Consider

During my initial consultation with a client, there is one question he or she almost always asks: How much does a divorce cost? It’s a very difficult question to answer because there are so many factors involved in a divorce case, and those factors are what dictates the cost.   Here are 8 factors that … Read more