how much does a divorce cost

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? 8 Factors to Consider

During my initial consultation with a client, there is one question he or she almost always asks: How much does a divorce cost? It’s a very difficult question to answer because there are so many factors involved in a divorce case, and those factors are what dictates the cost.   Here are 8 factors that … Read more

getting divorced

Why New Year’s is the Best Holiday for Those Getting Divorced

Holidays can be rough for those getting divorced. Think about it. How hard was that first Valentine’s Day when you are separated? Or Mother’s Day? Or your birthday? For me, they were all “firsts,” and they were difficult, but not as difficult as I thought they would be. It’s the anxiety beforehand that causes feelings … Read more

new year's resolutions

17 Questions that Lead to The Best New Year’s Resolutions

As a newly separated or divorced person, I remember wanting to make really good new year’s resolutions. Not the typical ones like these… “I’m going to lose 20 pounds.” “I’m writing that book I’ve been talking about since 1997.” “I’m going to cut out red wine.” “I’m joining a gym and going 7 days a … Read more

alone at Christmas

Alone At Christmas This Year? Why You’ll Be Just Fine

Maybe you’re divorced and unattached, or perhaps you are newly separated? Maybe you’re still married, unhappy, and thinking about divorce. Or, maybe your spouse recently passed away. All of these are very painful situations, and all of these result in being or feeling alone at Christmas–a feeling that can be lonely, sad, scary, upsetting, painful, … Read more

I can't get over my ex

I Can’t Get Over My Ex. Yes You Can!

For some reason, right now I know a few different people who are recently broken up and telling me “I can’t get over my ex.” I have certainly been there, and so has every  person who has ever gone through a divorce or been through a breakup.   When a spouse moves out or when … Read more

Juli Walton

Can a Therapist Be a Mediator, Too? Yes!

Can a therapist be a mediator? You bet! Being both a Licensed Clinical Therapist as well as a Certified Divorce Mediator has allowed me to understand and highlight the importance of several qualities which are necessary in both professional roles. Whether I am working with an individual or couple in therapy, or a couple navigating … Read more

Lessons and Blessings from Divorce

Divorce is tough. I know because I went through one. Whether you wanted the divorce or your spouse left you, it’s devastating, painful and stressful. When you’re in the middle of divorce and sometimes even for the next few months or more, it can feel impossible to think there could be anything good to come … Read more

happy after divorce

What Exactly Does It Mean to be Happy After Divorce?

I write so many articles for people going through a divorce; newly separated men and women who are just trying to navigate the process and get the best outcome possible. Their thought process is usually (and understandably) short-term—just trying to get through the divorce, just trying to get through the week, or sometimes even just trying … Read more

money mistakes

5 Money Mistakes Women Make in Divorce

Women going through a divorce are under an extreme amount of pressure and stress. Emotions, which can include anger, sadness, fear and resentment can run high, and worrying about the kids can feel like a full time job! Because women are so preoccupied with all of these stressful factors, they might make money mistakes during … Read more

Decorating Your Home For the Holidays as a Newly Separated Person

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time for family gatherings and shared festivities, but what about those who find themselves navigating the season as a newly separated or divorced person? Fear not, because decorating your home for the holidays as a newly separated or divorced person can be an empowering and downright enjoyable … Read more

holidays during divorce

Trying To Celebrate The Holidays During Divorce

Ask anyone who is divorced and he or she will tell you that the pain it causes can sometimes feel unbearable. Then add in the holidays—especially that first Christmas or Hanukkah and New Years after a separation. It’s very very hard. Trying to celebrate the holidays during divorce is stressful, sad, confusing and sometimes bittersweet. … Read more