Family Holiday Traditions after Divorce Can Be Wonderful!

We all know that kids thrive on structure and knowing what to expect, and that includes the holidays. Kids love doing the same things year after year—going to buy the Christmas tree, baking holiday cookies, decorating the home and other family holiday traditions. But what happens when parents get divorced and those family holiday traditions … Read more

What Do You Do With Your Wedding Ring After Divorce?

Wondering what to do with your wedding ring after divorce? How about all those pieces of jewelry you have that you don’t need or want anymore: a necklace you never wear, a bracelet that was given to you that brings back bad memories, a ring you inherited that you don’t particularly care for… and then … Read more

going through a divorce during the holidays

Going Through A Divorce During The Holidays Can Feel Like A Punch In The Stomach

Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult life transitions a person can endure. Worrying about finances, the kids, and becoming a single parent amidst the intense emotional pain of the breakup can feel daunting, hopeless, and exhausting. If that isn’t hard enough, try going through a divorce during the holidays! Thanksgiving, Christmas, … Read more

how long does divorce take after filing papers

How Long Does Divorce Take after Filing Papers?

One of the many reasons why divorce is such a stressful process is because it takes a long time.  A lot of people ask, “How long does divorce take after filing papers?” The answer is, if you hire a lawyer and litigate your divorce it can take 1 – 2 years to finally be divorced.  … Read more

words of encouragement for someone going through a divorce

A Divorce Attorney’s Words of Encouragement for Someone Going Through a Divorce

Going through a divorce is probably one of the hardest–if not the hardest thing you will face in your life. It’s painful and stressful and can feel hopeless, at times. But want the good news? In my 30+ years of being a divorce attorney, I have watched so many clients go from a place of … Read more

this Thanksgiving

15 People You Should Thank This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a holiday favorite for so many people…until you get divorced. Then Thanksgiving can become stressful and depressing and awful, especially that first year. If this Thanksgiving is your first Thanksgiving being separated, please know that you can still enjoy family and friends. What else can you do this Thanksgiving to make it a … Read more

alcohol misuse

Co-Parenting, Alcohol Misuse and the Holidays

The holidays can be a challenging time for co-parenting, especially when one parent struggles with alcohol misuse. It’s a time when children should be experiencing the joy of the season, not the confusion or distress that can come with a parent’s drinking. As a platform that assists women navigating divorce, we recognize the added layer … Read more

What NOT to Say During Mediation (Part 2)

Awhile ago, I wrote an article called 4 Things NOT to Say During Mediation. The article was extremely popular, so I thought I’d write part 2– what NOT to say during mediation Here is What NOT to say during mediation, part 2   1. YOU wanted the divorce so you can pay for the mediator/attorney. … Read more

Thanksgiving after divorce

Thanksgiving after Divorce: It’s Going to be a Great Day!

I remember my first Thanksgiving after divorce 15 years ago. What a mess I was, visiting my family with my two toddlers, feeling sad, scared, embarrassed, angry and so many more emotions. I had gotten separated in August, so everything was still new, feelings were raw, and I was feeling anxiety about the actual divorce … Read more

divorce and the holidays

Divorce and the Holidays: Tips From a Mediator

Divorce and the holidays can get complicated and challenging for many reasons. Feelings of  anger, resentment, and hurt can often run high on the emotions list for divorced and divorcing parents. Add in the pressure they may feel to make sure the kids have a positive experience, and it can be a recipe for parental … Read more

What is a Certified Divorce Lending Professional?

What is a Certified Divorce Lending Professional? The job of a Certified Divorce Lending Professional (CDLP) is to strategize with those going through a divorce so that they can qualify for a home loan whether remaining in the marital home or buying a new home.  CDLPs do not simply help homeowners structure their home loans; … Read more